Friday, November 18, 2011

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

How am I feeling today? I'm feeling like it's time for a change. A big one. Don't get me wrong, I love me, as self-appreciating as it sounds. But being the perfectionist and entertainer that I am, I'm always looking for improvement. And I think I've found a new way to achieve a higher state.
Of couse, certain people will inevitably reject this change. It happens. But in the best interest of modernization and adaptation, it's a task that must be undertaken. I'm not going to say what these inevitable changes are, I'll let you figure them out for yourself, let you experience and judge them for yourself. If you don't like them, I'm sorry. It happens.
Change is impossible to avoid. Just take a glance at the world around us. Mother Nature changes all the time. From the direction of the winds, to the orientation of the rivers, to the elevation of the deserts, She is always adapting to overcome whatever challenges face her. So, in interest of becoming more at one with my surroundings, I need to change as well. I only fear that these changes will make me forget about who I was yesterday, and beyond that. But we must not be held down by the chains of the past. Instead, we must write down the past within the present, study it, reap all knowledge there is to be had, and employ it to build a better future. I chase no dream but my own.
And what is my dream you ask? That's still a secret yet to be untold, dear reader. If I ever achieve it, then the world will know of my visions and wonderlust. And if I fail, then I will slip into the safety that is silence, and renege my efforts until they can be modified into a new approach. We must never stop believing, never stop hoping. We must have faith in ourselves, lest we become gears in a machine that marches us away from our true inner happiness.
So what makes you happy? Truly, inexplicably, unboundingly happy? Is it something simple? Something that can be found everyday when you step outside your front door?
There's a question that I ask myself on a fairly common basis. If I had three wishes, what would they be? One day I hope I can answer, "My only wish is that everyone in the world can be as happy and as satisfied as me." And after I see that wish to fruition, I would give my two extra wishes to someone deserving of them, lest I try to build something greater than perfection.
For those who have read the Bible, you know what I'm talking about when I mention the Tower of Babel. A unified effort to build a tower reaching the Heavens and level ourselves on the same plane as the cherubim and God Himself. No, I don't want to challenge the higher powers that be. Instead, I want to see the world come together under a different dream, one shared by all the free people of all the Earth. I want to see friendships forged, diseases banished, poverty and hunger stricken from memory. In essence, I want to see a Communism. Not the Soviet Communism of the 20th century, but a new age Communism, where greed and self propulsion are no longer components of the human psyche.
Alright, this topic has evolved to something completely different than what I wanted at the start, so I will end it here. My message to you, dear audience: live free, love openly, speak with a golden tongue, and embrace everything, good or evil. For it is in knowing our world that we know ourselves.

"Windmill, windmill farm the land,
Turn forever, hand in hand,
Take it all in on your stride,
It is ticking, falling down,
Love forever, love is free,
Let's turn forever, you and me,
Windmill, windmill farm the land,
Is everybody in?"

Excerpt from, "Feel Good Inc."
By, the Gorillaz

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