Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Late Night Jubilee

You ever lay awake at night wondering the meaning of it all?
The meaning of life.
The ultimate answer to our purpose.

No? Well, I have. And let me tell you something, I hate those nights. Because, at the end of the maniacal pondering, you realize you end up with more questions than what you started with.

So that brings me to the next question, which always puts me to sleep like a baby. What if there is no meaning to life? Boom. Ultimate question right there.

Consider the possibilities. If we were brought on this planet, not for some purpose, not for some approportioned fate, but to be us. To carve our own little niche in this world, and experience all it's wonders and follies through our own eyes.

Think about it.

When it comes down to the nitty gritty of it, we're truly just animals. We happen to be on the top of the food chain thankfully, because that allows us breathing room to chase our own personal pleasures without the true fear of being prey.

But oddly enough, some people are too scared to chase these wishes, dreams, pleasures, whatever you want to call them. Because we possess something the rest of the animal kingdom does not. Judgement. We are afraid of being on our own, shunned in the cold, so much so that it inhibits our actions, our words, and even our thoughts. Our definition of freedom is false. We're never truly free. We ARE free to do as we want within the moral holdings of others. So in essence, we're trapped within the eyes of others, always calculating our moves, judging us on what we've done, what we're doing, and even what we may do, before we're even aware of it ourselves.

So here's my plea to you. Live one day on your own. Don't talk to anyone, don't acknowledge anybody, and for God's sake, get off the damn phone. Isolate yourself from the world completely. Become self dependent. Figure out what you want for yourself. Then go out and achieve it. Sometimes it doesn't matter which way you jump, as long as you jump. Because, when the day is done, and you're lying awake in your bed, still pondering the meaning of life, you might open your eyes and realize, at the end of all things, you are alone.

Just remember to smile about it.

Today's song is Starlight by Muse

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