Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Delicious Delusions

OK, here we go, back in the groove of things. I've been busy lately/too tired/out of creative flow/who really cares? Regardless, you're not here to listen to my excuses, you're here because I entertain you. With my rambling mind, my sharp tongue, my complete lack of regard for your feelings. See that profile summary right there on the side of this post? Every blog I make, I feel like that is becoming more of a lie. I am not your best friend. I am the words that you're afraid to say. I am the truth you refuse to hear. I am that guy who you tell everyone you know that you want to punch me in the face, but deep down, you know that everything I say is right. Because I am right. Because I am awesome. And because I am extremely cocky. I've done enough in my life to deserve some praise. And since no one else seems to want to give it to me, I'll give it to myself.

That being said, here's a quick summary of what's been going on, before we get into the meat and potatoes of tonight's post.
I got accepted into my first college. It's a little community college that accepts everyone, so it's not really a big deal, but it definitely feels nice to know I have my back up plan if I need it.
I got rid of my robo-boot. Turns out, to my complete and utter lack of surprise, I am now out of shape. That's what I get for the Domino's overload (which, by the way, their chocolate lava crunch cakes? F***ing delicious. Get one).
I got bro married. It's a lovely relationship that I share with Jeff Rodgers, my official hetero lifemate. We troll Facebook all day, and sing together to the Lonely Island. I'm Andy Samberg. Be jealous of what we have.
My drumming skills are increasing exponentially. Go figures. I'm just that good at learning.

And that's about it. The rest of my life has been comprised of work, paperwork, handiwork, and so on and so forth. Real entertaining stuff.

So, now that the niceties are out of the way, what's the next bit? Well, I'll tell you, keep your pants on there Turbo. Tonight, we're going to talk about something very near and dear to me. One of the few things in this life that I actually attach any emotion into. Writer's block. I hate it. I hate it so much. And I have it right now. Obviously, other wise I wouldn't be writing about the damnable subject.

I keep getting glimpses of ideas in my head. New poems, new rants, short stories, old memories, funny daily moments, everything. As soon as I try to scribe it down? Gone like a fart in the wind. Brain scribbles aren't working either. Maybe it's the lack of sleep, free time, whatever. I need to get out of this funk though, and fast. Certain people are clamoring for more of amy creative literature, and I try to please the audiences when I can.

So, to each and every one of my readers out there, I offer you a challenge. The gauntlet has been thrown down. I want you to send me an idea of something you want me to write about. Anything. Doesn't matter at this point. I'll pick the one I like the most and use it in my next blog. You'll get your name in here too, whoop-de-freaking-doo. You can send it to me via comments below, on Facebook, text, e-mail, doesn't matter. This will be a bonding experience for the both of us. It will also give me the opportunity to see who actually gives two craps about this blog.

And that's how it's done. Catch you on the flipside, readers.

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