Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Continuation of Aggravated Emotions.

Alright people, check it out. If you're still here, you made the first cut. The other people who didn't, it's because they didn't have the backbone to withstand some good old fashioned truth. Screw them. Let's get this party started.

Facebook Retards:

Let me explain something. This is not directed at "mentally challenged" people. Why do I have mentally challenged in quotes? Because some of you out there make these people look like they were Einstein's prodigal sons and daughters. Most idiots, I can tolerate on a regular basis. But no, they had to make the Internet a public access system, where anyone with a metal spoon and copper wire can connect to the World Weetarded Web. Don't know if your friend (or evenworse, yourself) is a Facebook retard?

Here's some sure-fire ways to find out:
(Note: this list is NOT finished, I'll find others and hunt them down)

1). Gratuitous amounts of spelling errors. One or two I can deal with. You're on the go, and I make mistakes typing with my phone too (believe it or not, I make mistakes). It's when you're over-the-top blatantly retarded that I consider you over-the-top blatantly retarded.

2). People who put "like my status" in their status...



Nothing says I'm a stupid megalomaniac waste of space quite like this. That's like giving a speech at a funeral, bringing a megaphone, and screaming into it, 'GIVE ME A STANDING OVATION AFTER THIS SPEECH THAT HAS NOTHING OF INTELLECTUAL VALUE!!!'
Go die now please.

3). People who's profile pictures consist of a mirror, a crazy angle, and a dirty bathroom wall.

You. Are. A. Loser.

Ok I get it girls, sometimes you just want to show off your new dress, or stick your cleavage in our faces. I'm ok with that. However, I see no other reason to take a toilet picture (that's my new name for them, clever). If you're a dude, and you're FLEXING WITH YOUR SHIRT OFF, the Wicked Witch of The Ripyourhomosexualtesticlesoff South is going to visit you in your self righteous dreams, and well, let's just say she earned that name for a reason. Get some friends, go to parties, have a designated cameraman. Hell, it'll give the DD something to do anyways. Get a picture somewhere besides your mom's bathroom for the love of all that is socially acceptable.

4) People who post their problems on Facebook, and when asked what's wrong, they say they don't want to talk about it. This is why they made diaries you retard. To keep things personal. Not the WORLD WIDE WORLD WIDE WOOOOORRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLDDDDDD WIIIIIDDDDDEEEEEEEE web. I hate you, you hypocritical piece of drama school failure.

5) This is the last one for the day, although I think I like the idea of these lists. Might have to make a separate blog for all my sarcastic spite. Anyways, back to the hatred.

People who poke. WTF is the point of a poke? To get my attention? I thought that's what my Wall was for. And what's this? You're mad that I didn't poke you back? How about I backhand you in 1020x768 pixels! Don't ever poke me if you want to stay friends with me. I don't like being poked. I get defensive. Leave me alone.

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