Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Kansas City Shuffle

Well well well, it's been a little while, hasn't it? I hope you haven't forgotten me, because I definitely haven't forgotten about you, my fine feathered friends. I've just been...busy. Yes, busy is the appropriate word here, if not for the appropriate reasons shall we say.
So, here's an update on what's going on in my life, if you don't follow my megalomaniacal facebook profile.
1) I'm getting a drumset. Finally. FINALLY!!! It's only been overdue for about 22 years. My morale and happiness is about to go through the roof because of this.
2) I'm on light duty for another week. My x-rays are showing absolutely nothing. It looks like I haven't healed at all. I still feel fine though. Very unfortunately, that means I have to stay with my current company and unit, and they're complete garbage, so that's quite joyous.
3) I'm going to Utah/Vegas for Christmas. With the unstoppable Nay sisters. It's gonna be a righteous gig, and I'm very very stoked about it all. There will be dancing and snow and pictures galore!
4) I made ANOTHER best friend. Here's looking at you, Mrs. Ashley Stevens. Yeah, whatever, we've been friends for the last year and a half, but now we're just now starting to strengthen that bond, so boom! Bossman Mcgee does what he wants, he doesn't care!

Other than that, my life is pretty standard right now. A lot of XBox to fill the hours, and a lot of music. But as we pull into this next Christmas season, and I become more excited about this time of year than I ever have before, I'll still be thinking about all of you. Don't ever be afraid to talk to me. I am always here, always willing to listen, and laugh, with you.

Merry Pre-Christmas Friends!
The Captain

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